Hip and Knee Surgeon

Frequently asked questions related to hip or knee problems

When is the best time to have hip or knee surgery?

There is one key, unavoidable factor: pain, pain and more pain. An operation becomes the choice when other treatment options like physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and infiltration have been exhausted. Surgery should therefore be seen as the last step.

How long does it take to recover from an intervention?

There is no hard and fast rule. Much depends on whether we are dealing with a fracture or a worn joint affecting the cartilage more than the bone. After a fracture, a young patient undergoing limited physiotherapy may experience a complete return to normality after two to three months.

Is it possible to regain full mobility after hip or knee surgery?

Yes, in most cases mobility can be restored with adequate postoperative care and exercise.

How does age impact the outcome of an operation?

Younger patients recover more easily, but it always depends on the type of fracture. For example, surgery on a fractured bone generally has a better outcome than a fracture affecting a joint.

I am a professional athlete. Can I speed up the recovery process?

It’s best not to rush it. The more one tries to force the process, the less guarantees there are of achieving a full recovery.

Are there any sports that strengthen the bones?

Ideally, one should practise moderate sports which allow for bone regeneration and avoid impacts. Walking is better than running, and running on a treadmill is better than trail running. Of course, swimming is a very complete form of exercise.

Does diet affect bones?

A lot. A healthy diet is essential. Vitamin D also plays a role and is provided by sunlight, but sometimes supplements can help avoid osteoporosis.

What about overweight? Do extra kilos have a noticeable effect on hip and knee problems?

Most definitely. Many people with osteoarthritis of the knee, for example, manage to avoid or delay getting a prosthesis when they lose weight.

Does collagen help improve joints?

It can be helpful when there is no structural illness or significant osteoarthritis present. It maintains the joint in an optimal environment.

What are biomaterials?

These are materials that specialist surgeons use in hip and knee operations. They are biocompatible and allow a prosthesis to be attached to the bone much more effectively. One example is tantalum, a material that is more porous than titanium and that permits the bone to integrate better.

What is a "non-invasive technique?

An advanced technique which reduces the size of an incision, thereby resulting in lower blood loss during surgery.

What can robot-assisted surgery contribute to hip and knee operations?

This represents a further and no doubt useful step, but it is essential that a human doctor always take the leading role during an operation. Robots provide new technologies and, used intelligently, can support specialised surgeons.